Mothers Must Understand! How to Deal with Cyber Bullying in Children

cyber bullying

Of course, every parent hopes that when their child goes to school, they will get friends who can support their learning. However, sometimes there is always cyber bullying happening from their classmates, such as insulting, hitting, kicking, and others. For parents, this must be paid attention to because if left unchecked, it will risk damaging the child's mental state and causing trauma.

Cyber bullying also certainly does not discriminate based on age, it can happen to children or teenagers. Usually, this happens due to several factors, one of which is being a quiet person. Quiet people are often bullied by their friends because they consider quiet people to be weak.

So, now moms need to identify the reasons why bullying can occur:

Causes of Cyber Bullying in Children


Harsh parenting style: If moms always discipline their child harshly, be careful because this can cause cyber bullying. In addition, a harsh parenting style can increase the risk of mental illness and trauma in children.

So always remember to avoid a harsh parenting style with children.


Tendency towards aggressive behavior: When a child is between 7-10 years old, make sure moms discipline the child gently so that the child will also behave gently with their friends. If the child behaves aggressively, maybe their friends will do the same thing, and bullying will occur.


Lack of teacher supervision and anti-bullying rules: This is the main cause of child bullying, which is at school. Generally, if the teacher is not in the classroom, bullying can occur because the bullies think there will be no one who can stop them.

Community and Culture

Racial, gender, and social status stereotypes and prejudices: Generally, the bullying that occurs to your child in the community is due to race and social status. Sometimes your child's friends bully them by insulting and mocking their poverty.

This can be fatal if left unchecked because it can damage their mental state.

The factors above are the risks of bullying occurring. It is important for moms to be vigilant and prevent these triggering factors from an early stage.

Because bullying can attack one's mental state, now let's discuss:

Ways to Maintain a Child's Mental Health When Cyber Bullying Occurs

Mental health is the most important thing and acts as a bulwark against bullying. If the bulwark is weak, it may lead to deep trauma.

Let the Child Talk About It

After coming home from school, if they have been bullied by their friends, they will usually look sad. Try asking moms why, and let the child tell their story, then give an empathetic response. And remember, don't judge them.

After they finish telling their story, make sure the child feels safe and supported by their family.

Document the Incidents

If cyber bullying occurs in the virtual world, such as hurtful comments, save the evidence. This can help moms take legal action if necessary.

Cooperate with the School

Occasionally, try reporting cases of bullying to the school so that the teachers can take appropriate action. With this, the school can also enforce anti-bullying rules.

Limit the Use of Social Media

For moms who are raising children and already know how to use smartphones, consider limiting their time and access to social media. This can also prevent exposure to harmful content.

Seek Professional Help

If the child is already stressed and traumatized, consider contacting a psychologist because they can help in the right way.

A psychologist will also certainly teach the child how to develop skills to deal with cyber bullying.

Increase Self-Confidence

Does mom have a child who is interested in activities like playing ball? Then go ahead and encourage it because doing what they enjoy can improve their mental health.

Engaging in enjoyable activities can also increase resilience.

Use the Internet Wisely

Try teaching your child how to use the internet safely so they don't visit dangerous sites, and teach them to be responsible for the sites they visit.

It is also important to discuss the negative impacts of cyber bullying and the importance of respecting others online.

In essence, with the strength of support from parents, teachers, and friends, children can recover from the bullying that happened to them. In this case, moms play a very important role, so don't forget to follow the tips above, moms.

Hope this is helpful!

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